

Good evening,
First, I would like to thank everyone for coming out to support the Kings tonight. It was a hard fought game against a very tough team.
I want to be honest. I realize everyone hoped for this moment, but I never could have imagined my career taking the path it took to get here. I continue to be amazed by the opportunity I have currently with Kings organization. To go from officially giving up on my basketball career 16 years ago, to being here today with you all, is unreal.
Truly beautiful part of it all is, I was able to work with some of the best people in Japanese basketball on and off the court. First, let me thank the two organizations that believed in me and my abilities as a professional basketball player. The Shinshu Bravewarriors and the Ryukyu Golden Kings. People like Jun-San, Kimura-San, Katakai-San and the many staff members that work tirelessly behind the scenes to make these games as exciting as they are, I can not thank enough! The support that you show not only to me, but my family is in a class of its own. Being away from home for many of us is a tough situation. Without a doubt, I can say that these two organizations provided me and my family an environment to not only live comfortably, but to thrive. And we are forever thankful for your grace, kindness and support!
Next I would like to thank the many coaches and assistant coaches that invested into my career. In particular, Coach Ryu, Coach Tohyama, Coach Mu, Coach Mike, and Coach Dai. Your belief in me not only changed me as a player, but also as a person. I was able to learn so much from you all about the game, but the way you guys showed me in each of your own way how to build and manage relationships with guys from different backgrounds is one of the things I’ll remember the most. To each of you, you don’t realize how terrified but honored I was that each of you trusted me enough to be considered as one of the leaders on your teams. Throughout the many battles we have had together, I only wanted you to be as proud of me as I was to have the opportunity to play for you. I hope I did my part.
My teammates… the guys that have spent more time with me than my own family. Many of you I still consider brothers to me. I wouldn’t be here without you. The tough practices, long road trips, the battles, the camaraderie, and that time spent together will be what I miss the most. To watch all of you grow into your own identities on and off the court, the way that you allowed me to grow into mine, and the impact you have had on my life has affected me in ways I don’t even fully comprehend yet. I’ve been lucky to have always been surrounded with talented players, and with that, I was able to thrive and be my true self on the court. I think all of my teammates knew this about me. I’ve never cared about stats. I’ve always wanted to see my brothers shine bright. And the most important thing to me was winning… TOGETHER! I could never repay you guys for the achievement I’m receiving today… I just hope that the time we spent together will last forever for you as it will with me.
Speaking of teammates I can’t go on without thanking the one person who made all of this even possible… Jeff Newton! Brother, you believed in what you saw in me more than I believed in myself that day. And the things I’ve learned about playing this game at a professional level from you still carry me this present day. More so than all of that though, the fact that I’m able to call you a true friend, trumps all of the basketball triumphs we have had together. That simple gesture, of wanting me to be your teammate here in Okinawa has changed my life more than you will ever know and I will continue to try to pay it forward with each encounter I have here to honor your legacy.
I’ve been very blessed to have a great support system. It’s fitting that the person I got my work ethic and calmness in pressure situations from is here today… My mom. My father, who couldn’t make it because of health issues, instilled in me to finish tasks and to do them to the best of your ability. My entire family had a hand in my journey through the sport of basketball and without them I wouldn’t be here today. My beautiful wife… Dee, has been my anchor throughout my time here in Japan. Knowing that I had her in my corner no matter what, made it easy to come out and give this game my very best. I still don’t know all the sacrifices you make daily, all I know is that you make them for our family, and for that I’ll never be able to thank you enough.
In closing, to all of the boosters that have supported me throughout my career, thank you. Playing in front of two of the best fan bases in the Japan made it easy to go out and compete every game. Together, we were able to accomplish so much together.
The memories we have shared together will last me a lifetime. You have left my heart full and at peace with this game. Playing for you will always be one of my greatest honors.